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Block Work Height for Wall That's Built Higher Than Stated on Plans

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 8:56 am
by bisonic
Hi There,
looking for advice if anyone can help?
Neighbours building a single story, double skin block-work extension which has gone through planning and approved. We saw the plans and let him get on with it. However guess what... the wall has been built higher than the plans! Im talking to him about this today but the main issue right now is the height of the wall beyond the agreed plans (2.5m) is currently only single blocks (I'd say 225mm wide). So we have 2.5m high double skin extension with a further single skin wall just on our side extending another say 675mm. I'm worried it's going to come down on us as is literally next to where we sit!! (Especially as it had just been laid when I noticed.)
Any advice much appreciated.