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Internal breeze block wall allowing water ingress

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2021 11:51 am
by fidaleo
I'm wanting some advice on how to seal an internal garage breeze block wall....its showing water ingress (not large amounts but enough to be wet to the touch)

The outside wall borders onto a garden and soil is upto the wall so I cant render the wall externally

Would rendering the internal garage wall be an option ? Any advice appreciated


Re: Internal breeze block wall allowing water ingress

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2021 9:59 pm
by stoneyboy
Hi fidaleo
It’s not clear what your images are showing however if the concrete blocks are exposed on the outside you could try cladding the outside wall above ground level. Internal rendering will not be effective in the longer term.
Regards S

Re: Internal breeze block wall allowing water ingress

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2021 10:02 am
by fidaleo
The external wall has soil pushed up against it (next doors garden) so access to render the external wall isn't possible. I'm thinking rendering the external wall which is showing no signs of damp will only make the problem worse as run off will drop into the soil and produce even more moisture at the lower level brickwork.

The 3 pics show 2 internal pics of the wall in question and the side of the external wall. You should be able to see a clear demarcation to where it is dry and damp in the brick work. This matches the level of soil on the external wall.

So anything internal isnt going to help...


1. render upper level of external wall which is showing no signs of damp
2. dig up next doors garden down to the base level of the outbuilding and render

I'm not sure option 2 is going to fly with next door as she has a full garden in the flower bed,


Re: Internal breeze block wall allowing water ingress

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2021 10:29 pm
by stoneyboy
Hi fidaleo
Sorry but the clear demarcation you refer to is not apparent in your pictures. The blocks look damp and the bricks look dry.
Regards S

Re: Internal breeze block wall allowing water ingress

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2021 11:22 pm
by fidaleo
It’s the first 10 courses which is the area which I’m referring to and asking for advice on


Re: Internal breeze block wall allowing water ingress

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 10:08 pm
by stoneyboy
Hi fidaleo
In that case you have little option but to waterproof render the outside.
Regards S