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Water ingress from overhead stairs

Posted: Sun May 21, 2023 5:06 pm
by Jimmyk
Hi all,I have just joined,I was hoping for some advice,I have been renovating what in the past was an old outside toilet for my daughter outside of her flat.the said old toilet space has lain derelict for many years,the problem is there are stairs to upper flats above my daughters flat,I have rendered and plastered walls,however water is finding its way in from exposed steps above,I was going to rake out mortar joints and redo with some kind of epoxy waterproof repair,what do members think?thanks in advance,cheers

Re: Water ingress from overhead stairs

Posted: Mon May 22, 2023 9:45 pm
by stoneyboy
Hi jimmyk,
Assuming the steps are concrete, on a dry day apply a bead of silicone around the tread of every step. This should prevent standing water on the steps from seeping through. If this doesn’t stop the problem you will have to consider fitting a lead flashing down onto every tread.
Regards S