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Correct Bevel Angle for Refurbishing an old Wooden Rebate Plane

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 12:38 am
by greengrass
Refurbishing an old wooden rebate plane (Bevel down) what is the correct cutting angle/bevel for the plane iron/blade. Have thought of same as chisels 25deg main bevel with a 30 deg bevel for a 1-1.5 mm sharp cutting edge.
so less area to sharpen when needed.

Re: Correct Bevel Angle for Refurbishing an old Wooden Rebate Plane

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2019 11:36 am
by greengrass
Answering my own.
The iron/blade of my wooden rabbit plane iron/blade ground to 25° but a swine to set to get thin strip planed off.
May add a 30° secondary bevel this will be around 1mm and resharpening will be quicker as much less of edge to sharpen. Done this on all chisel too.