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Floor Timber in Loft Conversion and Joist Hangers or Sit Direct onto Steel?

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 2:15 pm
by Tilski

This is my first post. I'm getting on nicely with a loft conversion but have come up with a conflict. The structural engineers drawings say I should use joist hangers nailed into blocking timbers against the steels. Two of the builders I've used for various bits so far have both said that's an expensive method and sitting the joists straight onto the steels web should be enough.

The engineers response was that the builders want an easy job rather than messing about with hangers. He then stated that the frame would be more liable to creek and movement and pass sound through the steel work which could prove problematic as the steels are sitting in a party wall.

The timbers will span 4.7m and rest on a spin wall too.

Your thoughts please.

Many thanks

Re: Floor Timber in Loft Conversion and Joist Hangers or Sit Direct onto Steel?

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 6:38 pm
by tileclipproman
listen to your engineer.Joist hangers are not expensive nor is the amount of timber needed for blocking.

Re: Floor Timber in Loft Conversion and Joist Hangers or Sit Direct onto Steel?

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 2:02 pm
by Tilski
Yes that's what I've decided to do. The hangers and bits only came to about £90. It was the VAT that did it!!!

Re: Floor Timber in Loft Conversion and Joist Hangers or Sit Direct onto Steel?

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2016 2:14 pm
by michaelbailey
what is the full length of the floor joists