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Simplest possible loft conversion for use as music room

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 10:54 pm
by Willyconcarne
Hi all,
I've been looking around everywhere but can't find a clear answer to this:

We live in a smallish terraced house c.1900. When I stand in the loft at the highest point, my head just about touches the the wood above. I'm 6'.

I was wondering if I could legally get it all boarded and get three power sockets up there for me to use my music equipment and put in a folding loft ladder for access?

I wouldn't need to stand in the loft, just sit, but would I have to put stairs in (which I can't really) or could I legally just have a drop down ladder? Obviously I'd need to get the boarding done properly due to loading.


Re: Simplest possible loft conversion for use as music room

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 11:42 am
by Willyconcarne
Any ideas?

Re: Simplest possible loft conversion for use as music room

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 9:13 pm
by thedoctor
I'm afraid there is a lot more to loft conversion than whether you can stanf in it or not. The ladder or stairs must allow really safe exit in case of fire and they must allow exit to a main door without passing through any other room.

The conversion must also comply with all of the insulation regulations and be able to withstand certain stresses from above which usually means replacing the floor as the floor in it's current condition is purely designed to hold up the ceiling below.

There are no simple answers to a loft conversion and you need to speak to an architect first as it is illegal to build a conversion without complying with all of the fire and insulation regs as well as all of gthe building regs involved.....And there are plenty !!

Re: Simplest possible loft conversion for use as music room

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2016 2:09 pm
by michaelbailey
the boarding has nothing to do with loading it's the joists, what are the dimensions?