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Do These Bits of Wood Support Anything in the Roof?

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2016 4:21 pm
by daz2206
Hello.... im hoping someone can help me as I don't know if I can safely remove these sticks (they are 3" x 1")
im assuming they were put there to hold things in place while the roof was being built but I want them out so I can board the loft out, last night I snapped the longest one that was right in the middle and the roof didn't collapse (it did feel like there was a little bit of downward pressure on it but nothing moved when it broke)
all of the big horizontal beams are sat on brick walls and the brick walls go from the foundations right up to the roof (9" thick internal walls up to loft height then single brick in loft)
thanks in advance for any help

Re: Do These Bits of Wood Support Anything in the Roof?

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 8:00 am
by welsh brickie
3x1 is not a structural support, But I would brace the ridge with extra support anyway

Re: Do These Bits of Wood Support Anything in the Roof?

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 3:35 pm
by daz2206
Thank you. Really appreciate your help. I showed a roofer the pics and he couldnt see any reason for them being there so think il try sawing a couple more off. Thanks again