Pitched roof drainage gulley through loft space is leaking
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Victorian Terrace
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Joined: Tue Mar 31, 2020 8:03 pm

Pitched roof drainage gulley through loft space is leaking

by Victorian Terrace » Tue Mar 31, 2020 8:22 pm

Anyone got experience of dealing with these Victorian drainage gulleys which run from the central pitch through the loft to then discharge into a downpipe at the back of the house? Ours collects water from the roof well, but the lead lining has perished over 150 years so there is a trickle leak somewhere along the length (about 4m) which is causing brick and plaster damage in one of the bedrooms. Rubberised sealant has not solved it. It should be easy enough to replace the gulley with a sealed plastic drainage pipe through the loft, but the issue is how to collect the water from the pitch without spending a fortune on leadwork. Any ideas?

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