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Dressing Table With Tripple Mirror Height Problem

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2015 11:29 am
by AllanUK
Hi all,

I was wondering if I could get your advice. I've searched hours on the net to come up with nothing. I bought a mirrored dressing table and a triple folding mirror to go with it. However the triple folding mirror, is just too low.

So my options are to hang it up or to find something to put under it. There is nothing on the back of the mirror to hang it up with, so I didnt really want to go that route. Does anyone have any suggestions for something I could put under it? Or any other solution perhaps? Its driving me bonkers!

Thanks in advance!

Re: Dressing Table With Tripple Mirror Height Problem

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 11:10 am
by DIYDoctor1
Hi AllanUK,
You could potentially lean it back so that it is angled up so you can use it, although it would be much better to put something underneath it to raise it.

Have you tried searching for something like "jewellery box with draws" in Google. You will be able to find some ideas there. Or you could find a small box/jewellery box which you could put it on top of (although you might not be able to get into it if it doesn't have draws).

You could make your own simple mini cabinet to put the mirror on - you'll be able to find all the information that you need to do that in the carpentry section here: ... odwork.htm

Good luck!