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Is My Replasterer Being Fair - Gaps Left in Render

Posted: Fri May 23, 2014 5:26 pm
by eromain
I have just had the side of my house rendered, and am concerned about the danger of water penetration at the edges. The picture below is of the corner with the front of the house. You can see the brown stopbead to the right and gaps where it meets the pointing at the front. I think that the plasterer should have covered these gaps in mortar to prevent water seeping in behind the render. I would be grateful if anyone would agree with my plasterer who seems to think it is not part of doing a proper job.
Big thanks in advance

Re: Is My Replasterer Being Fair - Gaps Left in Render

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 7:39 am
by welsh brickie
cant access the pictures

Re: Is My Replasterer Being Fair - Gaps Left in Render

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 11:26 am
by eromain
sorry , try again it is working now

Re: Is My Replasterer Being Fair - Gaps Left in Render

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 10:44 am
by ruben93watson
Yes, there are chances of water penetration at the edges. The plasterer should have covered these gaps to prevent water seeping in behind. Ask them to reconsider the rendering as it is not done according to the requirement.

Re: Is My Replasterer Being Fair - Gaps Left in Render

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 6:05 pm
by eromain
thanks, what exactly should I instruct them to do?

Re: Is My Replasterer Being Fair - Gaps Left in Render

Posted: Sat May 31, 2014 8:19 am
by eromain
Thanks. What exactly should I get the plasterer to do?

Re: Is My Replasterer Being Fair - Gaps Left in Render

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 9:43 am
by ruben93watson
Ask them to cover these gaps at the edges again so that there are no chances of penetration.