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Bio Pure 10 Sewage System Installation

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 2:26 pm
by Problems
We have just had a Bio Pure 10 Sewage system installed by a specialist with 30 years experience?
He put the wrong pipe in the road and had to change it.
He connected the system to the council drainage and had to change it to what was approved by the council.
The electrical box that powers the system had to be moved and reinstalled.
The drain covers are in the middle of the drive with no cement surround.
This firm was approved by the council.
The surveyor we used had said that we would need to close the road for the installation but this didn't happen.
We had to send the grease-trap, instructed by the surveyor, back to the supplier as there was nowhere to put it.

Is this a normal standard?
No points have been exaggerated.