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Scaffold Hell With Cowboy Scaffolder

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2021 11:14 am
by BeeParrot
Good morning
I need some advice on dealing with a cowboy scaffolder that is currently full of empty promises to finish, never turns up, disappears when he does turn up and is now holding up a build project.

What can I do?
A lot of scaff is already on site but a critical section is needed work the whole job to finish. I dont believe he has the kit to get the job done.


Re: Scaffold Hell With Cowboy Scaffolder

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2021 9:48 pm
by stoneyboy
Hi beeparrot,
It may be that your only option is to make sure he is aware that he is holding up your building project. Keep reminding him more than once a day and use messaging so that you have a record of your contact with him.
Regards S

Re: Scaffold Hell With Cowboy Scaffolder

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2021 9:53 pm
by BeeParrot
Cheers, he's actually turned up over the weekend (very late) so hopefully the builder can get on now. Thank you for replying

I'm anticipating the next issue now that he wont take it down