Had to move rad position (in upstairs room) and had probs - not enough pressure to refill rads. Thought we'd have to get a plumber after all but found solution on here - brilliant (thanks htg engineer and the person who's thread it was - in short, shoved a garden hose on downstairs rad and followed all your instructions to the letter). Still tweaking the old 'balancing' stuff but all seemed well, until..................
The warm weather means heating is not on now and we've noticed that one rad (not the new one) is fully heating up just with 'hot water' selected. It is one of two rads which do not have individual thermostatic control. This 'hot' one is upstairs, but the other one (which remains cold) is located downstairs. None of the thermo rads heat either.
Might the solution be the 3 port valve or actuator (have found another thread with this advice)?