Currently mid-way through my re-wire and getting a bit worried about 17th Ed coming in. I'm a bit confused about whether it affects me or not. The overview page of BS7671:2008 states that any installation designed after 30th June is subject to the new standard but elsewhere in the text it says that any installation designed, constructed or tested after 30th June is affected. So does anyone know the definitive answer as to which statement is correct. My installation is designed before the cut-off date but probably won't be tested and signed off before 30th June. I've asked my local building control officer the same question and await a response. Any knowledge out there greatly welcomed (maybe can help me pushback if building control take a hard stance).
So, if 17th Ed does apply to me, does anyone have views on the following:
- I've already run normal cable throughout (not mechanically protected stuff like flexishield) and fitted non-RCD sockets everywhere. Is there a cheaper/different way I can meet the requirement for RCD protection on general use sockets (e.g. can I fit RCDs to each socket I already have in place). It appears that RCD protected sockets are circa £25 each which is pretty painful, although I guess RCDs aren't that cheap either. Also RCD protected sockets appear to generally come in one design which ain't that pretty and I'd love to keep the ones I've already got which are flush profile.
- This may seem a bit of a fudge (I'm not trying to be sneaky, just exploring the options): Can I label in some permanent way, several of the sockets so that they are not for general use e.g. sockets in the kitchen marked as microwave/kettle/toaster etc. Living room sockets as TV/video etc. Then I could leave some of my sockets as normal non-RCD type sockets.
Any other suggestions?
I've already picked up that I'll also need a 30mA RCD for the shower under 17th Ed but not such a big problem as the sockets.
P.S. For anyone that's seen my other posts will have gathered that the work is in Scotland so not Part P. However, I've had confirmed that BS7671 is the way to comply in Scotland as well.
Many thanks. Here's hoping.......