by TrevorB »
Fri Jun 05, 2009 10:52 am
[quote="bd3cc"]Would suggest that the 2 red/yellow/blue are 2 3cores+ earth for your hall and landing 2 ways, and that the link is the problem, but need to have a clearer idea of which terminals( com/L1/L2) each wire goes to.[/quote]
The house I am referring to is 30 miles away from home so I cannot look at the unit now, but I did draw a sketch of the existing connections without removing the cover completely from the wall. Couldn't see anything referred to as L1, L2 etc, but will describe terminals and wires as best I can.
The switch for landing is 2way, and I believe the hall is also but outside light is not 2way.
The cover has 4 terminals at the top ( i will refer them as T1, T2,T3,T4,) and 5 terminals at the bottom (B1, B2, B3, B4, B5). Connections are as follows :- T1 has red to mains and red connection to B3. T2 has no connections at all. T3 has yellow to mains. T4 has yellow to mains. Connections at the bottom are :- B1 no connections at all. B2 has blue to mains. B3 has the connection to T1 mentioned above. B4 has blue to mains. B5 has red to mains.
There is also an earth wired to the casing of the switch.
Hope this helps and thanks for the advice!!