I want to build a single width garden wall with pillars 15 mtr long x 2 mtr high using standard concrete blocks 440 x 220 x 100. Using the foundation calculator I came to a staggering 82 Kn load (this includes 30Kn wind load based on 1 Kn per Sq Mtr). The soil is compact and will require the use of a pick axe. After all this I'm still struggling to decide depth and width of my strip foundation. Could you please advise.
One final thing, again using a calculator I came up with a total requirement of concrete to create a foundation as follows based on a .5mtr depth x .5mtr width & 14mtr length.
Cement = 1.2 tonne
Sand = 2.2 tonne
Gravel = 4.5 tonne
Is this about right.
Apologies for asking so much but just want to make sure everything is in place before i commence. If you can help with this your definately on my Christmas card list. Thank you.