Advice needed ventiliating a suspended wooden floor when air bricks are blocked by a new extension
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Advice needed ventiliating a suspended wooden floor when air bricks are blocked by a new extension

by Georgie1851 » Sat Jan 09, 2016 8:06 pm

Hi. I'm looking for advice from anyone who has experience of retrospectively adding ventilation to a suspended wooden floor. We moved into our house a couple of years ago and the previous owners have built a very nice kitchen extension with a solid concrete floor on the back of the house. However, rather than continuing the ventilation for the suspended wooden floor underneath the new kitchen floor to the rear of our house on our property, they put a single ventilation channel and air brick out the adjacent kitchen wall so that it is only visible on our neighbours' property. Previously there were two air bricks mirroring the two air bricks at the front of the property to allow a through draft. Now at the rear of our property we only have the single air brick at the side in the kitchen wall. Our neighbours now want to build their own kitchen extension, which will cover up the single air brick ventilating the rear of our property. We could create a combined channel that would ventilate the rear of their property and ours underneath their new extension, but that would mean we'd only have one rear ventilation channel that travelled sideways and then for around 12 feet underneath their new kitchen floor. Would that be enough ventilation? What should we do? Any ideas?

When we moved into the property, our building surveyor suggested we may have to dig up our kitchen floor and insert the ventilation channels underneath it and then cover it over it again. He said it would be a messy job, but didn't say it was impossible. I believe there is some central heating plumbing underneath the kitchen floor. How hard would it be to retrospectively fit ventilation underneath a concrete floor. We'd need to get someone in to do the work and re-lay the floor tiles afterwards. What are my options? Thanks for reading.

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