Advise Needed On Patio Job and Unhappy Customer
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Advise Needed On Patio Job and Unhappy Customer

by crowncast1 » Sat Dec 15, 2018 10:11 am

I have a friend who is a gardener and has laid a patio for his customer. The patio is solid, however instead of digging out the ground he has made a raised base.

The customer is not happy with the end result as the slabs are not lined up with each other and some are slightly higher than others...etc.

I went to the customer's house and we met the lady and she agreed that if he were to fill in the gaps then it would look a lot better, however when her husband came home he became very angry and demanded that the entire patio is removed and redone.

The total job cost 1200 with £850 being materials (including two large planters roughly 2m x 1m)

He received £500 deposit and so has paid out of his own pocket the remainder of materials and the customer is refusing to pay any more until it is all redone.

There was no contract made up and even if they paid him the full amount he would still have only broke even as he paid someone else for helping him and making the planters.

Any advice on this would be greatly appreciated, especially on what exactly makes a good patio job etc as i don't know the industry that well.

I will try to figure out how to attach pictures of the work

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