Sorry about posting another airlock problem, I know there are a few posts about this already. Unfortunately I still can't find a solution to my problem.
I have just fitted a kitchen sink, and after plumbing it all in I found that I wasn't getting any hot water through. I stumbled across this site and tried the air lock solutions suggested.
I connected the cold water mains under my kitchen sink to the hot water pipe via a washing machine pipe. I turned on the cold water and I could hear the water rushing through, I left this going for a minute or two, disconnected the cold water pipe, and then tried the hot water again.
After about 30 seconds hot water started to come I turned on a few more taps just to make sure and after a while the pressure dropped.
So I connected the hose up and stared to flush through again. The same thing happened, hot water started to come through, then after a couple of minutes the pressure dropped.
I have tried the 4 or 5 times now and the same thing keeps happening.
Does anyone have any idea as to what’s happening, does anyone have any suggestions I can try?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.