Appalling design at University of East Anglia Residences
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Appalling design at University of East Anglia Residences

by lazens » Mon Dec 03, 2007 10:20 am

Hallo as cautinoary tale to future students at Britains'Modern Universities I would like to add a brief description of perceived architectural flaws that I ecnountered whilst studying for a B.A.(Hons)Degree at the University of East Anglia Norwich Norfolk.(And many other Modern Universities I suspect?).Though I actually only got a student room for 2 of the 3 years I was there both were appalling.The first was converted "Officers"room at ex RAF Horsham Airfield commandeered by the University.It had horrible metal frame windows.About 14 students shared one kitchen that was always filthy.Loud Hi Fis and TVs blasted through walls at most hours of day and night.The place was remote about 6 miles out of town in open country.It often got snowed up.UEA Residences Horsham have now been demolished by Bulldozers I hear.The last year was spent on "The PLain"-the UEA CAmpus proper as it is know.The "Terraces"were designed by Sir Denis Lasdun(architect of The South Bank).In that year The Sainsbury Centre for the Visual Arts as also constructed(by Sir Norman Foster).The Residences were appalling.They had horrible screechy aluminium framed windows and were often over dry and chilly.But the worst problem was Noise.Each corridor of 24 individual students had only thin "breezeblock"walls.It had obviously not been designed with the loud Stereo Systems in mind.Due to the almost constant selfish and drunken or drugged behaviour of a high proportion of students all competeing to see who had the loudest sound system the place became unbearable.Requests to turn them down were scorned or ignored.There was zero University Porter interefreence and no Block wardens whatsoever.Even Police could not be called onto the Campus without The Chancellors Permission still less Environmental Noise enforcers.It was not unusual to be awoken at 4am by The Rolling Stones Crescendo crashing through the walls on 3 sides!Some students actually went mad or committed suicide under this insane situation adding to the stress of study!
So when you hear of the new triple glazed SCanadanavian standard residences up there and glowing accolades please spare a thought for the early suffferers of a failed architectural experiment!?

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