Arch Tray NG2 Gas fire problem and not lighting
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Arch Tray NG2 Gas fire problem and not lighting

by Watson306 » Sun Nov 08, 2015 9:06 am

Hi All,
I am new here, but I am hoping you will be able to help me.
We have a Arch Tray NG2 Tray Gas fire (it doesnt give off much heat, and so we really only light it in the winter months just for effect), but our combi boiler is playing up (no heating or hot water), and has been since early Friday morning, which we have reported to the company we have a boiler service insurance with who are coming tomorrow.
The problem I am hoping to resolve though is with our fire as we had no heating I thought we maybe able to get a bit of heat in the living room from the fire, and so tried to light it, and it lights when you turn the knob to the lighting position (held in) but as soon as you release and try to turn it to the required level it goes out.
Any ideas?

Thanks in advance

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