Are These Fittings at 3/4 and W20 the Same?
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Are These Fittings at 3/4 and W20 the Same?

by mjojom » Tue Oct 31, 2017 10:10 am

Hi All,
I am almost at the end of my project (fitting LPG heater) and need to connect reducer in between the tank and heater.
I Bought cavanga regulator which on one side is 8mm compression and other side W20 that I need reduced to 8mm compression too.
I never heard of w20 before but found two fittings and I need help to figure out which one.
first one that I prefer is JIC 3/4UNF to 8mm from lpg shop (

and second one is Gaslow 8mm x W20 with test point (test point i dont need) (

could someone please tell me if both fittings are the same ie 3/4 and w20 ?


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