Basket Strainer Waste Plug for Carron Phoenix Carisma Sink
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Basket Strainer Waste Plug for Carron Phoenix Carisma Sink

by polypody » Tue Dec 13, 2016 5:34 pm

Back in 2004 I had a new kitchen installed, the sink being a Carron Phoenix Carisma. The black plastic part of the plug/strainer has broken so I need a new one so the sink can hold water. I assumed the plug would be a Carron product but apparently not, it seems to be part of a Handifix Plumbing Kit # HAN4630. I've spoken to Carron & various local plumbing suppliers & no-one can help. I'm loathe to have to purchase a new plumbing kit if said plug is still available but as we're now 12 years down the line I'm not hopeful. Anyone any ideas as to where I may be able to obtain said plug?

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