I had very patchy render on 3 exterior walls. A thickness of about 3mm had come away in small to medium patches all over but been painted over. I had the whole wall re-rendered but was never convinced it was done very well. It was done in very hot weather. I thought it was odd that the thickness of the new render was only about 2mm thick. After a few weeks I used stablising solution and then painted it.This showed up what a bad job it was. Then 2 weeks later it started blowing.
I got someone else to come out and repair the blown bits. He said he used weathershield filler. I let it dry and then repainted it. (didn't use stablishing stuff that time tho) but it has blown again. I've spent £500 and the wall looks as bad as it did before but I also now have open blown render.
Any advice about why it now blowing and what can I do. There is no pattern to the new blowing and the original patches. All I can say is that it is these repaired bits that keep blowing. I asked the guy who did it why it is happening but he doesn't know why.