by 333rocky333 »
Sat Jan 19, 2008 5:24 pm
It is not the starter
If it is a starter type Fitting then the choke sounds worn out.
If it is twin it may have two units.
Or it may just be insecure and vibrating
You can buy a new internal choke but it is dearer than the fitting, and only worth doing on a fancy expensive fitting that you do not want to totally replace or if it has an expensive diffuser.
Or you can just buy a cheap whole fitting same size and just use the choke out of it
If possible change the whole fitting, but could work out dearer as the old diffuser (if fitted) possibly wont fit and will be more expense.
High frequency are now becoming the norm now
something to do with the interferance and losses given off, switchstart chokes have been outlawed by the EEC.
Modern chokes have been redesigned to get round this until we join the EEC
Due to no demand for them apart from uk.
Manufacturers are selling more H/f and the price is coming down.
As eric said H/F are better in many ways.
And I think they are worth the extra cost.
Cheaper to run, better light and less heat,more efficient and no annoying flashing at switch on.
Combine that with a Triphosphor gas tube (Type 8 gas) 835 white.
And will last many years with no further maintenance