Can anyone help me find a discontinued wallpaper?
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Old Red
Posts: 1
Joined: Thu Jul 02, 2009 2:31 pm

Can anyone help me find a discontinued wallpaper?

by Old Red » Thu Jul 02, 2009 2:45 pm

I ran out of wallpaper halfway round the room, but when I went to order some more I found that it had been discontinued. I've searched everywhere on the internet, thought I'd found it twice, but the sellers had
neglected to update their websites. I can't believe that there isn't the odd roll or three languishing in a warehouse somewhere, but so far no joy. The paper is by Crown (now gone out of business!), and is a textured vinyl paper called Orla Blue, design number M0094, lot G01. Can anyone out there come to the rescue of a half-papered damsel who can't measure walls to save her life?

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