Can Anyone Help With Paint Fumes and Gas Smell
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Can Anyone Help With Paint Fumes and Gas Smell

by Sparkles73 » Tue Oct 17, 2017 5:53 pm

Hi, I'm new here, I've just been reading an old topic on here about smelly paint, mainly CROWN paint and gas. Ironically I have both issues, the paint fumes and the fact we actually did have a gas leak at the same time!

Anyway basically, I have a 9yr old disabled child and we live in a tiny bungalow and there are 6 doors in our hallway! 4 of those are extra wide cause of our son's wheelchair.

Anyway, me , my son and my parents went on holiday second week in September, whilst we were away his dad decided it was the best time to decorate as we were in need of it but our son is sensitive to smells etc so painting whilst at home is a no no. His dad got cracking straight away after we had left to go on holiday thinking the smell would have disappeared by the time we came home a week later after having doors and windows open.

This wasn't the case and 5 weeks later , been at my parents 4 weeks because we cannot live at home because of the fumes... we've tried alsorts, air purifier, water, doors open, fan on, heating on. The paint still feels soft, I've been home today myself to check because my partners living in it an can no longer smell it.
And it still stinks today the same as it did 5 weeks ago. I did notice weeks ago that he had used a high VOC paint which concerned me as I know it's toxic! However we both didn't know that at the time, obviously... he used high gloss brilliant white from Johnstones. Not only am I concerned it's high VOC and highly toxic, the smell when we were there just after our holiday was knocking us sick, my son stopped eating! Put him off his food for a couple of weeks and I really struggled to get any food down him as he's on a blended food as he can't eat solids... anyway since being at my parents he's eating again, he got headaches and so did I when at home, so we are away from home still which isn't good as he's heavy and I don't have hoisting at my parents. I went there today and it's still as bad, it just doesn't seem to want to dry out. Taking doors off isn't really an option whilst living there...

Any advice would be appreciated , I'm really bothered we will have to re do them all and paint strip them first, also the skirting board and woodwork in the living room also got this paint. I was in the house 20 minutes and it was hitting the back of my throat and making me feel sick.
Did think about writing to the manufacturer for advice?? I can't carry on living with my parents for much longer, my son's equipment is at home and his special bed... really don't know what to do?

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