Can flexi to rad be causing my heating issue
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Can flexi to rad be causing my heating issue

by zuberali » Mon May 31, 2021 5:12 pm

Hi All,

i have a rad in my house which randomly decided to stop working, all other rads are fine.
i have checked TRV and Locksheild vales, all fine, switched off all rad to force water through the one. no luck. released air. no luck.

decided to lift the floorboards. i found a isolation valve connected to a flexi which runs to the rad flow and return legs. no idea why it was done like this, but google tells me its bad practice, from what i gather the risk is flexis not being able to take the high temps and eventually splitting. this flexi in question is NOT split,

i will get the flexis changed, but in your experience, could it still be the flexi causing the issue seeing as the entire branch serving this rad is cold to touch. from as far back as i can see.

ive had a plumber tell me its the flexis causing the problem and quote £400 to change, but if the only issue with flexis is leaking i dont see how this can be the cause of lack of heating as there are no leaks and the entire branch is cold before the flexis, so presumably the problem lies further back (maybe??)


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Re: Can flexi to rad be causing my heating issue

by stoneyboy » Tue Jun 01, 2021 10:27 pm

Hi zuberali
It’s more likely to be that one of the isolating valves on the flexibles has been partly closed to control flow and this is now blocked with system debris.
Regards S

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Joined: Mon May 31, 2021 5:07 pm

Re: Can flexi to rad be causing my heating issue

by zuberali » Fri Nov 05, 2021 3:38 pm

update - it was the flexi causing the issue, not the valve. flexi changed and works great

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