by Mr White »
Tue Apr 05, 2022 12:37 am
You can get shorter, 3 pin LED lamps that will replace your 3 pin lamps.
The thinking was that everyone should have energy saving lamps, so to "help things along" (By stopping people from using the "normal incandescent" lamps) all new build houses had to have 3 pin lamp holders, and all 3 pin lamps made at that time were compact fluorescent (CFL)
Thing is, most people did not care for the CFL, you couldn't dim them, they never came on at 100% brightness, they cast a green or pinkish tint, so most folk did the obvious, changed any 3 pin light fitting to a regular 2 pin fitting and put in a normal 60w lamp. (What most people had) LED lamps had not yet been invented (The LED had been invented, but not the LED lamp we have today) Then the halogen lamp in a bulb took off, followed by the LED lamp we have now. (Not to mention the CFL lamp contains a tiny amount of Mercury)
If I were you, I would not wait until the 3 pin LED lamp is obsolete, I would change the light fittings soon.