by Aerosailor »
Sun Jun 05, 2016 7:12 pm
- Scotia keeper
- Big pozi screw underneath
My timber widows were fitted in 1999 by the previous owner. Some of the catches are becoming unserviceable but I can't find out where to buy replacements from. They aren't brilliant but different ones would not cover the unstained areas of wood properly, I guess. The handle base has a wedge that engages the keeper as well as latching onto it. Despite this, the windows have still dropped and placed a strain on the handle bases. I hope to remedy this in reglazing (again).
I believe the keeper is a "scotia" type because it fixes partly on a quarter round section of the frame. Can anyone identify the make, type or provide a hint for sourcing replacements?
- Wedge on left, showing paint scraped where it meets keeper