by sparx »
Sat Dec 01, 2007 7:55 pm
Hi Gall, as 333rocky333 says it is usual to have three reds & 3 blacks at rose, if you have 4 then either person who wired it used the correct twin red as sw. drop in which case you will only have 2 blacks, or if you also have 4 blacks then an additional light has been looped from fitting.
If 2 blks only then look at cables and find the one with 2 reds in same cable, one of them is your sw. return to lights live flex, 2 blks to lights Neutral remaining reds together in spare 'loop-in' term block.
I always used twin red for sw. drops, & now use twin browns, but wholesalers say only one other firm in area also use it!
regards SPARX