by eddiecurran »
Fri Apr 04, 2008 10:30 am
Podgeplumb I am afraid you have completely lost me! I have drained down a couple of times, and also allowed it to flush through by keeping the feeder tank in the loft running. A lot of sludge came out of the system, it is running pretty clear now. The central heating is working better than ever before, but unfortunately no hot water. A couple of the larger pipes coming from the boiler, which I believe feed the hot water to heat the hot water tank, are not fully hot and go cool down along the pipe very quickly. Does this sound like a bad blockage (do systems get blocked that badly??), would it be a good idea to get those pipes taken off when the system is drained down and replaced/cleaned out, or is this likely in any way to simply make the problem worse. I don't want to screw up the heating too!