A floor standing Ideal Mexico 2 boiler is situated in the hall cupboard, the flue extending into the loft and through the roof. This system has been in the house since built in 1975. Current ventilation is by means of a floor and ceiling vent within the cupboard and also 4 free air 8000mm2 louvre grills in the cupboard door.
After a recent service the engineer informed us that the vents were not big enough, and the combustion vent was in the wrong place. Remedial action necessary close off both floor and ceiling vents within the heating cupboard, increase the size of the door vents - high level 2x250cm2, low level 2x 500cm2 and instal a 90cm2 floor vent within the hall. Property is a detached bungalow.
Please could you advise, is it necessary for me to comply with these new regulations considering that this is not a new installation, but one over30 years old.
Your advice would be much appreciated.
Thank you