Chimney Pots not Secured and Banging in Windy Conditions
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Chimney Pots not Secured and Banging in Windy Conditions

by rewerty » Thu Sep 06, 2018 2:53 pm

I have a terraced house with a chimney (Which is unused). On top of the chimney are three ventilation pots. Two small ones and a tall one in the middle. All throughout last winter I have had to endure loud banging noises which got louder as the wind increased. I went on the roof yesterday to investigate and immediately found the cause. None of the three chimney stack are secured to the chimney, in fact I can physically lift them out (they can't fall off the roof though due to the fact that they kind of slot into the hole). In windy conditions (especially the tall centre pot) the pots rocks on their bases causing noise that even makes it difficult to sleep when gusts hit 35mph or more.

I have put some polystyrene under the pots for now but there is no way they are going to survive stormy conditions. How can I secure these pots to the chimney? My dad says I can't use cement because it will all fall down the chimney and not be effective. What remedy can I use fto stop this?

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