Hi looking for some advice - before I cut a hole in the wall to replace my shower valve.
The shower was fitted about 6 yrs ago and has worked fine. It is feed from cold water tank & hot water tank to twin impellar pump (separate hot & cold in and out).
Recently the shower has started to run cold midway through a shower, ie start of warm and goes cold after a while. There's still plenty of hot water - checked nearby taps.
Been in roofspace tonight and, after the shower started to run cold checked the output feeds from pump - still hot both in and out of the pump.
That leads me to think a faulty valve? Unfortunately it is buried in the wall so will need to cut away to replace/repair or even undo the connections :(
Only other bit that makes me wonder in it di something similar about a year ago and then seemed to correct itself.
Any ideas, recommendations or ways to test?
Many thanks