I am attempting to attach a fold down door to a wardrobe using concealed hinges recycled from an Ikea cabinet.
I spent ages measuring up and have attached the hinges to the door, but now I've come to attach the latches inside the wardrobe I've hit a problem. The top of the wardrobe is 30mm thick, so I set the hinges into the door further away from the edge than I've now found they are designed to go, so the door will go on fine but will only open to around 45 degrees because the edge of the door will foul the top of the wardrobe.
Looking at this picture (but with everything turned 90 degrees clockwise):
The panel on the left (the door) is wider at the number 1, and hits against the panel on the right (the carcass) at the number 3. The reason I offset it further is so that the door conceals the top of the carcass when it is closed.
So I'm looking for advice on where to go from here.
Can I get hinges that are the same except they allow for a thicker carcass (i.e. as the door opens it comes further away from the carcass)?
Looking at hinges for sale, what's the difference between 26mm and 35mm, i.e. what does this measurement refer to?
The door is completely finished so I really don't want to scrap it having spent so long on it already. I haven't yet put any holes in the carcass for the hinges but it is a complete carcass.
I hope all this makes sense. Any other advice or ideas? Could I space it out somehow?
Many thanks ,Simon.