Concrete floor or not for ground floor in typical terraced house
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Concrete floor or not for ground floor in typical terraced house

by Sailfish18 » Sat Mar 13, 2021 9:58 pm


New here so forgive any mistakes.

I want to replace the ground floor in my typical mid terraced house in Ramsbottom, Lancashire.
Current floor is the original stone flags and has significant damp issues. My working assumption was replacement with typical sub base, blinding, DPM insulation, concrete slab etc. However, without exception, every single builder who has come to look at the job baulks at the thought of getting concrete from the road, up the 7 steps to my front path and then the 35 feet up the level garden path to the house. This, in spite of the fact that i am perfectly happy to pay to pump it in. Not to mention crying about getting the muck out in the first place (all of 35 feet again) and tipping it down a chute into a skip on the road below.

One builder has suggested that it could be done without concrete and simply ensure the sub base is in good order and lay blinding, DPM, rigid insulation followed by board and then whatever i want to finish. He states that this method is used (by him and others) in many barn conversions.

So my question is.... is this a viable method, and acceptable to BC?

I am on my own so if i had some labour to help then i could do all of this stuff myself anyway, including the concreting ( done it previously).

Any help or suggestions would be welcome as i am genuinely now at my wits end and need to get this house sorted out asap for my sanity, not to mention avoiding divorce!



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