Concrete on copper!
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Concrete on copper!

by TONYTONE » Mon Feb 18, 2008 1:03 pm

Hi guys,

I have recently had a new CH systems installed with some of the new copper pipes running in a concrete channel. The plumber didn't bother to wrap the pipes in anything to protect them against the concrete. Does anyone know of any substance that I can pour into the channel that will in turn protect the pipes? Is there anything I can spray onto the pipes to protect them? What should he have wrapped them in?

Cheers in advance.


Gareth Thomas
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by Gareth Thomas » Mon Feb 18, 2008 5:36 pm

Should have wrapped them in Denso tape (basically cloth tape covered in grease).

htg engineer
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by htg engineer » Mon Feb 18, 2008 6:05 pm

He should have used plastic coated pipes - or wrapped then in Denso tape. If I was you i would wrap them before covering - otherwise you may have major problems in a few years and a flooded house.

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by chris_on_tour2002 » Mon Feb 18, 2008 7:48 pm

hi tonytone,

Denzo (also spelt Denso) tape is what you need. its a fabric tape coated in a parrafin based jelly and it provides a barrier between the pipes and the cement. it's available anywhere, any decent plumbers merchant will stock it and i think that B&Q even sell it. its messy horrible stuff to use tho! sticks to anything it comes into contact with and leaves greasy marks.

you don't say whether or not the pipes are still exposed or if the channel has been backfilled with cement/concrete.

if the pipes are already covered i don't think that there is anything you can do to protect it, save chopping out and exposing the pipes, wrapping in tape before burying them again.

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by TONYTONE » Tue Feb 19, 2008 8:02 am

thanks guys,

The pipes are still exposed at the moment its just that the channel they are in is so tight that it is impossible to get anything around them. thats why I was hoping that there may be a substance I could pour in that would fill the gap and protect the pipes at the same time. Got some Denso tape at home. I think I keep digging for now, there has to be something out there that will do the trick. 100 tubes of silicone me thinks LOL.

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