Controller problems
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Controller problems

by simonlord » Sat May 09, 2009 2:54 pm

A friend tried changing the batteries in quite old Honeywell controller. Unfortunately dropped it during the process, and once replaced, no central heating - the light would not come on. She rang me, so I suggested she got a new controller, and I'd fit it for her today.

All went fine, and I fitted it, and everything worked. However, I hadn't screwed the backplate to the wall, so I took the controller off, screwed it to the wall, and then tried to put the controller back on. I'd forgotten to turn off the mains, though, and there was a pop as I tried re-fitting it. It's now dead.

Still had the old controller, so thought I'd re-fit that, so she at least had hot water. That is dead too, except the clock works, as that's powered by the new batteries.

There's a junction box in the airing cupboard, so I looked in there and found a 2 amp glass fuse - which looked pretty blown (black inside the glass). She had a spare, but still no joy.

I can't think where else there can be a fuse, or a component that is not working. And I need to fix it ASAP!

Any ideas, help, suggestions, please. I'm in trouble with 'er indoors, as it's really her friend....

Posts: 2
Joined: Sat May 09, 2009 2:53 pm

by simonlord » Sat May 09, 2009 4:13 pm

All solved - there were two fuses in the spur, and I'd not seen/checked the second one...

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