Costs of converting barn for function room/wedding venue
Information, help and solutions to many issues encountered when converting barns and older buildings

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Joined: Mon Feb 07, 2011 8:58 am

Costs of converting barn for function room/wedding venue

by didee » Mon Feb 07, 2011 9:04 am

I know estimating the cost of any conversion - especially a barn - is really hard but I'm stuck in the chicken and egg situation of having to budget/cost/plan for the cost of conversion before we go ahead.

We do not need all the fixtures and fittings we would in a house but do need it to be functional, dry, warm and light plus proper flooring etc. Can anyone give me a rough ball park figure of what this might cost us... I won't hold you to it. Or maybe someone else has carried one out and knows what it costs them.

Thanks very much

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