I'm planning to do my custom cable tidier shelf behind my TV unit. I've attached 3 images:
1) 01_Current_TV_Unit_Pictures.jpeg - Shows my current tv unit set-up and highlights the power socket position that is behind it and the wall skirt.
2) 02_Cable_Shelf_Designs.jpeg - Shows my design of the cable tidier shelf. There are 3 main components in the shelf, which I've named them as "UNIT #A, UNIT#B and UNIT #C"
3) 03_TV_Unit_With_And_Without_Cable_Tidier_Shelf.jpeg - Shows how my TV unit looks with and without the cable tidier. It is an approximate impression of how it looks like when the cable tidier is built.
The shelf will be a long unit and I'm planning to use Acrylic Plastic throughout. The Unit #A & Unit #B will be using colored plastic, mostly Orange. Unit #C, I'm not decided whether to go for wood or Acrylic plastic purely because of the cost reasons. If I go for wood, Ideally I would like to match with the color of the shelf on which TV is current placed. It is bit dark brown in color. I've no painting or wood carpentry skills, so purchasing wood and polishing it myself is out of question.
If I choose to go for all Acrylic plastic, can someone kindly answer the following please:
- a) Does the design look like it is workable?
b) Does the peg designs for holding Unit #A & Unit #B holds them without wobbling them? Are there better alternatives to it? But please bear in mind, those 2 units must be easily detachable for me to readjust the internal cables or just for general inspection. I also need the name of the pegs I'm looking for, so that when I shop around, I can quote the name.
c) Is this shelf going to be very costly in purchasing the Acrylic plastic? (approximate dimensions are in the attached pictures)
d) If I choose to go ahead and build it - Any suggestions on whether should I glue/screw fit the individual plastic panels together?
e) Can I get decoration on Unit #B (eg: The ring from "The Lord of the rings" *******), is it easily achievable when I get Unit #B made with less cost?
f) Should I screw fit/glue the smaller pegs to hold the cables within the shelf? If so, where can I get those pegs?
Thank you in advance for going through my post. Hoping to hear the opinions/suggestions from online experts. I'm a beginner when it comes to DIY stuff.