Damaged / Stained Gloss Wall Tile Nightmare
DIY hints, tips and solutions to the removal and repair of marked and stained areas

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Damaged / Stained Gloss Wall Tile Nightmare

by Robstar » Sat Feb 22, 2020 10:09 pm

Hi everyone!

I’m having a tile nightmare.
These are gloss ceramic wall tiles. I noticed some white marks on them earlier this year and assumed it was a limescale build up as I live in a hard water area. I tried a few products on them with no luck and yesterday gave them a good scrub. Now they look worse than ever!! I’m aware this is probably my fault and worried I’ve damaged the gloss/ sealant /glaze. If this is the case what can I do?

Some of the chalky white bits come off under my nail, which makes me wonder if it is limescale, or am I scratching off the glaze?

I’m really at the end of my tether with this so any insight would be massively appreciated!!!

Thanks very much
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