Damp Concrete Floor Under Vinyl in 1896 Property
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Damp Concrete Floor Under Vinyl in 1896 Property

by GreenLady121 » Mon Oct 08, 2018 10:51 am

Our house was built in 1896 with a bathroom and kitchen extension which I think was built in the 1950's. The vinyl flooring in the bathroom is warped and mouldy so I pulled it up a little and the concrete underneath is soaking wet and flakey. Our landlord is planning on putting more vinyl down next week but I'm worried the same thing will happen again especially putting it straight onto wet concrete. I've read that old concrete floors tend to not have any damp proof membrane, does this mean it's hopeless unless the floor is completely dug up and replaced? Is there any cheaper options that will make it last at least a few years?

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