We live in a ground floor end flat, have been there for 5 years , and have spent the winter freezing,(due to airbricks.)and loads of condensation.
We moved in 5 years ago.all the radiators -are located on inside walls, none on extenal walls or under windows--and cannot move them as council property. Double glazed windows.
we had to use the outside walls to put furniture near -wardrobes and beds etc--we kept at least 4-6 inches off the walls .howver lost over £2000 worth of clothes , wardrobes, carpets etc, as condensation ran down the walls along the carpets and up the furniture , carpets were soaked. anyway -- the floors are concrete , the council have placed 2 airbricks one 1 foot from the floor and another 1 foot from the ceiling in each of the bedrooms and the lounge, we are frozen we have had to sleep in full clothes, 2 pairs of socks, 3 huge quilts on the beds, 2 hot water bottles each.we have had the heating on but cannot offord keep it on permanently , we have bad necks from the draught and I am also suffering from neuralgia the doc bellieves due to the draughts
We have loads of condensation I have to wipe the windows and sills every morning, the window vents are open all the time.the main front door and back door have gaps all around and out main flat door is wooden with gaps as well.So loads of ventilation.
But also loads of condensation, the air vents are soaking and as soon as any warm air hits it water forms,I have had to put trays beneath them .
Can anyone help , what am I doing wrong, I want to be warm