by Perry525 »
Sat Feb 06, 2010 12:08 pm
Its very unlikely that re-pointing a wall could make it damp.
However, there is always the possibility that they didn't do it properly!
Get outside with a decent pair of binoculars or a ladder if you can borrow one, and take a careful look.
You write that the flat was damp with condensation when you moved in.
And that you dried it out, by using the traditional method of opening the windows.
And indicate that, opening the windows doesn't work any more?
On the third floor, the causes of damp are usually down to.
A leaking roof or gutter or down pipe.
Badly fitted windows where the rain enters the wall round the frame.
Or with an exposed wall, penetrating rain, where the mortar has never stuck to the bricks and the wind blown rain is making its way through the wall.
Or the most likely, that the water vapour you and your family create in your flat, is condensing into the walls, because they are cold.
Do you have a lot of condensation on your windows?
Do you have trickle vents or air bricks or holes in the walls, floors or ceilings?
Do you have extractor fans in your kitchen and bathroom?
Do you keep the kitchen and bathroom doors closed?
Have you been keeping the windows closed because it has been cold?
All of the above can cause condensation on windows and into walls.