I'm new here, so apologies if this topic is covered somewhere I haven't looked.
I recently drained my central heating system and the water that came out was very black and contained a lot of particles. I have seen a number of de-sludging treatments for sale, but I have reservations about using these.
The pipework and most of the radiators I guess are quite old (20 years or more), although the boiler is a relatively modern non-condensing combi-boiler. I am concerned that there may be a large quantity of sludge and scale in the system, and when it is flushed it will either cause problems at the boiler, or potentially cause leaks around the system.
Can anyone put my mind at ease before I try this? Also is there any product anyone would recommend? I would like to see an improvement in the performance of the system, is this usually significant if de-scaling and de-sludging treatments are used?
Thanks in advance for any advice.