Dishwasher for kitchen on legs without plinth
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Dishwasher for kitchen on legs without plinth

by danedstewart » Sat Sep 18, 2010 1:47 pm


I'd like to get a dishwasher for our existing kitchen which is built in, but on legs instead of having a plinth. There is a 20cm gap under all the cupboards and draws, so having a dishwasher in the middle which has no gap will look a bit odd. I've had a look around and it seems like all integrated dishwashers still stand on the floor and are designed to have a plinth in front of them. Is this correct? Does anyone know of a dishwasher that can fit in a base unit which is off the ground. I've seen the dishwasher draws which would do the job, but are very expensive!

I know that the base of an integrated dishwasher is set back slightly, so maybe it would look fine and you wouldn't see that there was no gap??

Any advice would be appreciated.


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