Hi all!
I'm having a problem!
Bought a bath from The Bathstore no instruction with it!
This is what I have;
Two valves hot and cold, a diverter for a deck mounted shower handset, which I also have, the bath has a filler/waste.
So how does this all go together?
The valves(hot/cold) both have in-coming and out going supply.
The Diverter has two in-coming I guess for the hot and cold, a supply for the shower handset, then a smaller brass connetion which baffles me. The Filler has two connection, again I guess for hot and cold feed.
I've been doing a lot of head stratching but still puzzled. At which points do the hot and cold first connect to the bath, is it the diverter or the valves? what is the spare connection for is it to feed the hot and cold valves then from there to the bath filler, if so what's the point of having a hot and cold valve as the water will now be mixed! If it's the other way round valves first then diverter, I have a spare connection!
Can someone please explain how this puzzle is solved, Thank you all greatly for any valued advise in advance.
Kind Regards