Draughty uPVC Sash Windows in Taylor Wimpey Home
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Draughty uPVC Sash Windows in Taylor Wimpey Home

by jeremybrackley » Sun Nov 04, 2018 11:27 pm

Hello all,

We bought a Taylor Wimpey home in April 2017 and have been fighting them to investigate/remedy our uPVC sash windows ever since. The initial issues identified were that they were difficult to operate (open, close, tilt and lock) and that that a number of the windows were draughty. TW made us go through NHBC as they would not resolve themselves and after NHBC attendance the manufacturer identified that a lot of the windows were poorly installed (out of square etc.). A number of the windows were then re-installed. All though now easier to operate, tilt etc. the draught issues remain/have got worse. Many of the sashes do not fit flush in the frame with the gaps bigger on one side than the other. A different NHBC inspector attended and signed off all their work, including a window that doesn't lock without forcing the sashes.

We've had the installer, manufacturer and TW in the house again within the last month but they deny there are any remaining problems. They are happy with their work and will not acknowledge our concerns. Regarding tests for draughts, they simply waved their fingers around the windows and found they were fine. When questioned about the differing gaps on the brushes, we were told the brushes on the bottom front sash have no weather proofing purpose so any gaps are totally fine.

Gaps in window brushes/weatherproofing
Gaps in window brushes/weatherproofing

I've even seen a YouTube installation video from the manufacturer of the windows advising on best practice for install. "When drilling in the centre cleats, be careful not to screw them into too far as this will open up the gap between the sash and the frame. To prevent this we recommend putting side packers in place before drilling..." Our windows exhibit this behaviour!

Many of the sills are bowed but again this is considered fine:

Bowed sills - with big gap underneath on this one
Bowed sills - with big gap underneath on this one

All of the trickle vents are also draughty, as they are not flush to the frame and do not cover the massive holes behind (which looked like they have been done by a child).

Big holes behind trickle vent
Big holes behind trickle vent

I've asked for a proper thermal scan to be done to prove that the windows are functioning as expected but Taylor Wimpey, the manufacturer, window installer and NHBC have all said that they would not pay for one. And even if I paid for one out of my own pocket, they would not respect it because "thermal surveys can be interpreted any way you want".

I've been told by TW they will not be assisting further and it must go via NHBC. But NHBC has now stopped communicating with us so we don't know which way to turn. Everyone involved appears to have just closed ranks on us.

Any help/advice would be massively appreciated.

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