hi there,
I bought a house last year,the house is a semi detached three bedrooms build in 1939, all the relevant checks and surveys have come back with no problem so we went ahead and bought it.
We rented it out and after few months dump followed by mould started to appear in the bathroom the tenant did not cleaned it off nor did ventilate and consequently the mould spread to all the bedrooms.
we fitted an exractor fan, we had roofers and plumbers to check for possible problems but we had reports that it was due to condensation and lack of ventilation.
We discovered that the house has a solid wall.
Q: is the solid wall the main cause of the condensation/dump/mould?
Q: what do we have to do in order to sort this problem out?
Q: is the tenant directly responsible for the damages(she is getting evicted, doesn't pay rent and refuses to let us in for inspection and works)
Please help us
Thank you.